The Honorable James DeMint
United States Senate
167 Russell
Washington, DC 20510
United States Senate
167 Russell
Washington, DC 20510
Subject: Rick Perry is the Reincarnation of George W. Bush
Dear Senator DeMint:
If you and the folks of South Carolina endorse Rick Perry, it will be a severe blow to the cause of liberty. As a Texan, I can assure you that Rick Perry record in Texas is atrocious – big spending, mountains of debt and increased taxes/fees on everything.
Let’s start with the fact that Rick Perry wrote a letter endorsing the Bankster Bailout just before Congress approved this horrific piece of legislation. Effectively, Rick Perry endorsed giving the Federal Reserve the power to create unlimited money out of thin air to bailout banks and governments, foreign and domestic. We now know that Federal Reserve bailouts totaled at least $16 trillion dollars.
What small government and fiscal conservative advocate in their right mind would want to send this Democratic “former Al Gore 1988 TX Campaign Manager” turned Republican in an elephant suit to the White House?
US Sovereignty: American can’t solve any of our problems without our constitutional sovereignty. Rick Perry is a bought and paid for globalist and Bilderberg attendee who supports the United Nations, globalism, NAFTA/CAFTA, the Trans Texas Corridor (dubbed Rick Perry $84 billion dollar boondoggle) and the wipeout of the American middle class.
Rick Perry is Anti-Property Rights and as governor vetoed a strong 2007 property protection, anti-eminent domain bill that would have made it illegal in Texas to seize private property for private gain. Rick Perry totally endorses abusive government eminent domain powers.
If you and the folks of South Carolina endorse Rick Perry, it will be a severe blow to the cause of liberty. As a Texan, I can assure you that Rick Perry record in Texas is atrocious – big spending, mountains of debt and increased taxes/fees on everything.
Let’s start with the fact that Rick Perry wrote a letter endorsing the Bankster Bailout just before Congress approved this horrific piece of legislation. Effectively, Rick Perry endorsed giving the Federal Reserve the power to create unlimited money out of thin air to bailout banks and governments, foreign and domestic. We now know that Federal Reserve bailouts totaled at least $16 trillion dollars.
What small government and fiscal conservative advocate in their right mind would want to send this Democratic “former Al Gore 1988 TX Campaign Manager” turned Republican in an elephant suit to the White House?
US Sovereignty: American can’t solve any of our problems without our constitutional sovereignty. Rick Perry is a bought and paid for globalist and Bilderberg attendee who supports the United Nations, globalism, NAFTA/CAFTA, the Trans Texas Corridor (dubbed Rick Perry $84 billion dollar boondoggle) and the wipeout of the American middle class.
Rick Perry is Anti-Property Rights and as governor vetoed a strong 2007 property protection, anti-eminent domain bill that would have made it illegal in Texas to seize private property for private gain. Rick Perry totally endorses abusive government eminent domain powers.
Rick Perry is Anti-Parental Rights and he authorized the seizure of 438 children and babies from their mothers at the FDLS El Dorado compound. The Texas Supreme Court declared the raid and kidnapping unconstitutional and ordered the children released. The children were healthy and had not been abused. Rick Perry is a huge supporter of draconian Child Protective Services powers and believes that children are the property of the State of Texas.
Rick Perry signed an Executive Order mandating that Texas schoolgirls be forcibly inoculated with the dangerous HPV Gardisil vaccine. Perry’s then Chief of Staff Mike Toomey was a Merck lobbyist and Perry also received campaign contributions from Merck for his executive order. The Texas Legislature had to pass a law overturning Perry’s EO.
Rick Perry signed an Executive Order mandating that Texas schoolgirls be forcibly inoculated with the dangerous HPV Gardisil vaccine. Perry’s then Chief of Staff Mike Toomey was a Merck lobbyist and Perry also received campaign contributions from Merck for his executive order. The Texas Legislature had to pass a law overturning Perry’s EO.
Rick Perry is anti free speech and 1st Amendment. He signed into law a Texas hate crime statute that criminalizes free speech and free thought. You can be criminally prosecuted in Texas for what you say or think.
Rick Perry supports the federal and United Nations takeover of education and endorsed Ted Kennedy’s No Child Left Behind bill. Perry has always been a huge supporter of the federal Department of Education and even implemented the collectivist United Nation’s UNESCO education programs throughout Texas schools.
Rick Perry helped weaken the powers of the elected Texas State Board of Educating by gerrymandering elected conservatives out of office. Rick Perry totally supports the Trotskyite collectivist takeover of the Texas education system.
Rick Perry supports the federal and United Nations takeover of education and endorsed Ted Kennedy’s No Child Left Behind bill. Perry has always been a huge supporter of the federal Department of Education and even implemented the collectivist United Nation’s UNESCO education programs throughout Texas schools.
Rick Perry helped weaken the powers of the elected Texas State Board of Educating by gerrymandering elected conservatives out of office. Rick Perry totally supports the Trotskyite collectivist takeover of the Texas education system.
Rick Perry supports Police State USA and endorsed sobriety checkpoints throughout Texas (Perry supported SB 298 in 2009). Perry also supports the federal takeover of local law enforcement by endorsing the Federal government’s fusion centers that merge local police departments with the federal militarized police state.
Rick Perry supported and signed the Business Margins Tax but sold lucrative exemptions to his big corporatist campaign contributors. All businesses pay the tax except for Rick Perry’s pals.
Rick Perry is a solid corporatist fascist who has doled out billions of tax dollars to politically connected insiders and corporate campaign contributors. Rick Perry’s tax dollar filled slush funds for his corporate welfare pals are infested with numerous scandals and his corporate welfare game is to issue bonds for billions, give the money to his friends and tax Texans to pay the bond debt.
Rick Perry supported and signed the Business Margins Tax but sold lucrative exemptions to his big corporatist campaign contributors. All businesses pay the tax except for Rick Perry’s pals.
Rick Perry is a solid corporatist fascist who has doled out billions of tax dollars to politically connected insiders and corporate campaign contributors. Rick Perry’s tax dollar filled slush funds for his corporate welfare pals are infested with numerous scandals and his corporate welfare game is to issue bonds for billions, give the money to his friends and tax Texans to pay the bond debt.
Rick Perry has engineered public private partnerships (PPP) for Texas roads and highways. A PPP is privatized profits at public expense. Perry has allowed TXDOT to squander gas tax receipts and the TX Legislature typically raids our gas taxes of at least $10 billion per legislative session and spends the money on other things. TXDOT screams “we are broke” and Perry supports giving lucrative toll road monopolies to foreign toll road operators who fill his campaign coffers. Texas taxpayers are on the hook for bond payments as well as extraordinarily high cost monopolistic road tolls. Rick Perry is desperate to give taxpayer paid infrastructure to private corporations while raping TX taxpayers for the bond debt.
Rick Perry has infuriated civil libertarians by executing a possibly innocent man whose conviction was based on flawed evidence. Cameron Todd Willingham was executed when Perry refused a stay of execution to evaluate the faulty evidence that so disturbed the Texas Forensic Science Commission that they ordered an investigation. But Perry intervened and replaced 3 of the members with his pals who would rule that the evidence wasn’t faulty. Executing a person is a very serious act and those facing execution shouldn’t be executed casually and without significant due process to prove guilt or innocence. But quick draw Perry loves quick executions regardless of guilt or innocence.
Rick Perry has infuriated civil libertarians by executing a possibly innocent man whose conviction was based on flawed evidence. Cameron Todd Willingham was executed when Perry refused a stay of execution to evaluate the faulty evidence that so disturbed the Texas Forensic Science Commission that they ordered an investigation. But Perry intervened and replaced 3 of the members with his pals who would rule that the evidence wasn’t faulty. Executing a person is a very serious act and those facing execution shouldn’t be executed casually and without significant due process to prove guilt or innocence. But quick draw Perry loves quick executions regardless of guilt or innocence.
Rick Perry could be a walking Weiner-gate based on rumors of marital infidelity that have been flying around Texas for years. Does the GOP really need a Weiner-gate in the middle of a presidential election?
Also, Rick Perry has a serious theocratic problem and has aligned himself with the most radical Evangelicals and their rabid preachers. As a Catholic, I find it extremely offensive when Perry’s preachers call the Pope the anti-Christ and the Whore of Babylon. Rick Perry stands no chance of winning over the diverse constituencies that exist within the GOP base (Libertarians, Catholics, independents, fiscal conservatives, constitutionalists etc).
Finally, I will speak the unspeakable. Unless the GOP is willing to take foreign policy out of the closet and put it on the table for a serious debate in the context of what constitutes legitimate national defense needs vs. endless foreign interventions, I am convinced the GOP is headed straight to the trash heap of history. Moreover, anybody can clear grasp that the US military is morphing into the UN’s global military.
Also, Rick Perry has a serious theocratic problem and has aligned himself with the most radical Evangelicals and their rabid preachers. As a Catholic, I find it extremely offensive when Perry’s preachers call the Pope the anti-Christ and the Whore of Babylon. Rick Perry stands no chance of winning over the diverse constituencies that exist within the GOP base (Libertarians, Catholics, independents, fiscal conservatives, constitutionalists etc).
Finally, I will speak the unspeakable. Unless the GOP is willing to take foreign policy out of the closet and put it on the table for a serious debate in the context of what constitutes legitimate national defense needs vs. endless foreign interventions, I am convinced the GOP is headed straight to the trash heap of history. Moreover, anybody can clear grasp that the US military is morphing into the UN’s global military.
Judy Morris
Constitutional Political Activist
Round Rock, TX 78665
Round Rock, TX 78665
Note: I no longer vote Republican because I’m sick of big government, endless wars, socialism, chronic assaults on civil liberties and crony capitalism. I want Fedzilla booted back to its constitutional limitations and a massive shrinkage of power in the District of Crime. Republican “Government Gone Wild” is just as immoral and offensive as Democratic “Government Gone Wild”.
Perry is the Bilderbergers' choice. Watch for it.